Come join the team...

We're in the middle of planning the 2022 SXC season, which we're hoping will look a lot more like a normal season than the last two!
Lots going on, and a lot of ground to cover over the course of the winter, but things are looking promising so far. Details to follow...
One thing we need help with from the wider SXC community though - after several years of giving up some of their time to bring you kick-ass mountain bike racing in Scotland, a few members of our team are stepping back to focus on other things.
More on our departing comrades in due course, but suffice to say we have some shoes to fill!
We're looking for a few new fresh faces to join the SXC team - unfortunately the salary is nothing to write home about (well, it's literally nothing as we're all volunteers, but we'll sort you out with a super stylish SXC t-shirt and jacket!) but there aren't many better ways of putting something back into your sport.
We're aiming to run six events from March to August next year - they're hard work for the team, but great fun to be part of, and we ALWAYS make sure we have decent coffee to hand. That's non-negotiable.
Fancy it? Get in touch on FB or - we'd be delighted to hear from you.