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SXC U12/10/8 Rules and Regulations (2019 Update)

1. General 1.1 All riders and parents must act in a fair and sporting manner at all times. Races for children under the age of 12 are for the development of young riders and fun for everyone is the main objective! 1.2 Online entries close at 23:55 the Wednesday before the race. 1.3 There are no on the day entries for the U12 race (this is available for U8/10). 1.4 Race categories are determined by age on 1st January:

12 and under (U12)…….born in 2007 and 2008 10 and under (U10)…….born in 2009 and 2010 8 and under (U8)…… born in 2011 or later.

There is no minimum age, but all riders must be able to ride the course without external help. 1.5 All riders must be signed on with parental consent before racing. 1.6 All riders must have a valid number board attached to the handle bars and a timing chip (where used) fitted to their left ankle... 1.7 Number boards and timing chips (where used) must be returned at the end of the race (there will be a charge if the chip and or number is not returned). 1.8 The course will be open for practice prior to racing and it is strongly recommended to pre-ride. 1.9 The use of gels and/or other energy/caffeinated products is not permitted. The use of bananas and/or Jelly Babies is encouraged. 1.10 The passing up of bottles to riders during the race is not permitted.

2. Equipment 2.1 All bikes to be in good working order with working brakes. 2.2 All bikes must have bar end plugs. 2.3 Stabilisers and balance bikes are not permitted. 2.4 Helmets must be worn at all times when racing or pre-riding. 2.5 No cameras or filming equipment permitted either attached to the rider or the bike. 2.6 Gloves are strongly advised. 2.7 The use of stationary trainers (rollers etc) close to the start area is not permitted

3. Course 3.1 Race duration will be approx.: U8 10 min + 1 lap, U10 15 min + 1 lap, U12 about 20 mins. 3.2 It is the parent/guardian/carer’s responsibility to confirm that their child is capable of riding the course without assistance. 3.3 Riders are to be self-sufficient during the race, external help is not permitted on the course (except for after a crash). 3.4 At their discretion, if the SXC team think a short part of the course is too hard for the U8, there will be a clearly signed “help Zone” where help is allowed for all riders. 3.5 Faster riders intending to overtake lapped riders should call ”rider on the left or right” and wait until it is safe to pass. 3.6 Lapped riders must allow passing at the earliest safe opportunity. 3.7 Fallen or walk/pushing racers must clear the racing line to allow safe passing. 3.8 No running / walking alongside riders on the course to prevent obstruction of other riders.

4. Placings and points 4.1 There are no series points or rankings for the Under U8 & U10 categories. 4.2 Starting grid positions for the U8 and U10 races will be determined on the basis of previous finishing positions and then randomly. For the first event, starting grid positions will be determined randomly. Riders who have entered on the day will not be allocated a gridding spot. 4.3 For the Under 12 category series points are awarded as follows: 35, 30, 25, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 and then 10 for every other rider finishing the race. 4.4 For the Under 12 Category, for overall series rankings one result is dropped, ie best 5 results from 6 races count for the series. 4.5 For the first event, starting grid positions will be determined randomly. From round 2 onwards, starting grid positions will be allocated on the basis of series standings. Riders who have not been pre-entered will not be allocated a gridding spot. 4.6 Riders must not enter the starting grid until called up. 4.7 The race finishes when the winner has crossed the finish line, regardless of how many laps have been done.4.8 It is the parent/guardian/carer’s responsibility to collect their child and prevent him/her from starting another lap after the race has finished. 4.9 SXC reserve the right to stop riders before the winner finishes in certain occasions (e.g. when a slower rider crosses the line just before the winner and the lap is long).

5. Prize ceremony 5.1 Riders must be present at the podium ceremony to collect medals and prizes. 5.2 Medals and prizes cannot be collected by anyone other than the prize winner. 5.3 No medals or prizes will be posted after the event.

6. Violations 6.1 Any violation of the above rules may result in time/place penalties or disqualification.

January 2019

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