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Hi All - have you missed us ? We’ve been deep in thought and discussion, looking at the race calendar and there really is no other weekend that we can deliver Glentress as a re-scheduled round. So SXC 2018 has to become a 5 race Series rather than 6 and we have opted to use Glentress as the venue for the last round instead of Laggan as there is no local club there as event organisers . Massive apologies to the Northern clubs - we will try again next year! Hopefully you will all have received your emails about this a couple of days ago- if not check your spam folders ! We will automatically transfer your entries to that round unless we hear otherwise from you . Some of you have been in touch already, thanks . Ok - so Dalbeattie here we come !! The local organisers there are struggling to get marshals so please let us know if you can do a stint - if you go into the website , click on Contact Us , then scroll down to the Doodle Poll and tell us if you are available . Remember there’s a beer in it for you +/-our undying love +/- legendary status - oh and lunch ! No marshals=no race .

Please do me a favour and remember online entry shuts at 12 mid-day on Friday April 6th.

Can’t wait to get racing !! See you there.

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